If you are currently looking to buy a home and get into a real estate investment, you’re not alone. With the home prices skyrocketing along with the cost of living, a double wide manufactured home is not a bad option to consider.
A double wide delivered on-site and set up – will definitely save you money – when compared to cost of of site-built home.
Originally called trailer homes, modern mobile homes are more beautiful and intricate in their designs than your grand fathers mobile home could ever be.
So much so, that modern mobile homes look no different than traditional brick and mortar homes. This make buying one a new and exciting investment option.
If you’re in the market for a manufactured double wide mobile home, then read on to find out how to buy one that suits your needs!

What To Look For When Buying Mobile Homes
If you are looking for a mobile home, the first thing that you need to do is to create a list of what your needs are.
- What kind of space are you looking for?
- Do you want an open floor plan or other built in features?
Make sure that these specifications are realistic so you don’t become disappointed later.
Next, take out time and browse around to find different options. There are many manufactured double wide mobile homes available today, so the best thing that you can do is to take your time and compare them.
Also, it’s your chance to check the location. When you are looking for a mobile home, make sure that you are aware of where they are placed.
If you are planning on buying used mobile homes for sale , then there is one thing that you should keep in mind.
A used mobile home can be anything from an old trailer to luxurious manufactured homes from top manufacturers of this type of a dwelling.
If you want to purchase a mobile home, then it’s always good to first go and visit the property first before making any decisions since you will be living there for some time.
Looking for Manufactured Homes?
Mobile Homes Today
Today’s mobile homes can be just as attractive and spacious as any regular home.
They often come with the same features like central heating and air conditioning, whirlpool tubs, wall-to-wall carpeting and more.
When looking for a mobile home, it is important to first create a list of what your needs are. This will help you stay focused and not become overwhelmed while browsing through different options.
Some things you may want to consider are the size of the home, whether you want an open floor plan or other built in features, and where you would like to have the home placed.
It is also important to take your time when shopping around for a mobile home. There are many available today, so it is important to compare them and make sure that they meet your specific needs.
Additionally, be aware that not all mobile homes are located in the same place.
If you are planning on purchasing a mobile home, it is always a good idea to hire a professional inspector since they can help determine if there are any flaws in the home, as well as give you an estimate of how much it will cost to fix them.
If you plan on living in your mobile home full time, then a foundation may be a good investment. This only costs about $10,000 and can ensure that your home will not budge when strong winds are present. If you are just planning on using it for vacations, this may be unnecessary.
The cost of mobile homes can range from affordable to exaggerate. Factors that affect the price are size, location, quality and age of the home.
There are typically 2 kinds of mobile homes.
The first one is the singlewide, while the second one is the doublewide. When assembled, singlewide mobile homes are approximately 16 ft in width, while the doublewide mobile homes are more than 24 ft in width.
A singlewide mobile home consists of single pieces to be transported to the site through truck trailers. A doublewide mobile home has two parts to be fixed on the site.
Finding the Best Mobile Home
When you’re looking for a manufactured double wide mobile home, one of the things that many people want to do is save money.
You can get your new or used mobile homes from classified ads, both online and in the local newspaper. You can also find them by contacting local mobile home companies and checking out their websites.
These are only a few of the ways to find good deals when buying a mobile home and there’s no reason not to look for them!
When you are currently planning to buy a mobile home, you need to ensure the features you want. After sticking on the specifications, you must search and go ahead through many homes, so you will have a higher chance of getting what you want.
When buying a mobile home, you should take some time to think about what you want and what you don’t want. Write down what is important to you so that when you start looking for a mobile home, you’ll have a list of features from the ones that are most important to those that are less important.
It’s important to gather as much information as possible. You may scroll through the photos and look at details such As structural repairs and maintenance. When purchasing a mobile home, there are several areas to search in order to get the best deal.
Begin by checking the classified ads on Craigslist and eBay, as well as local newspapers. You may also check your local yellow pages, as many mobile home providers sell new or used mobile homes. Looking for a manufactured house is only the beginning of the process.
Mobile homes are a cost-effective way to own your home. An example of when you can save $50,000 or more is if you buy a manufactured home versus a site-built home. Manufactured homes can be moved to different areas and they do not need to follow zoning ordinances in most places. The downside may be that the cost is higher than a site-built home.
Things to Consider
Finding the greatest mobile house isn’t only about looking. You also need to consider knowing the actual value of the mobile home. Manufactured homes have a reputation for losing value or depreciate more quickly. But, this not always the case.
The materials the home is made from and the land that the home sits on – play a part in this regard. If you don’t do you homework properly, you will come to realize if the home is worth the asking price.
You can ask the manufactured home dealership or local bank for this information.
If you are planning on keeping the manufactured home where it stays, you need an approval by the mobile home park where the home is to be found.
Make sure you do that before buying the mobile home, or else you are forced to move. You also need to check the park itself to know if you want to stay.
Looking for Used?